Inside: Access to a free website audit

Hi Reader,

Last week's email on good and bad copy hit a home run. This week, let's make it interactive! It's a difficult time to be a business owner. Getting customers is harder than ever. Creating social content that grabs attention is no cakewalk. Raising capital to fund your vision is slow AF. I have a plan for you. Focus on what you can control.

If you're going to read anything this week:

Recently, I had a meeting with a marketer at a venture capital firm. There's no better source for the needs of founders than the portfolio point person. Their firm has provided cash to over 700 companies.

Most startups don't have a ton of money to throw around. It costs a lot to manufacture product, build new tech, and keep operations humming along.

That's why my last newsletter was timely. Not every founder or owner can code a website. But, most can write copy and make small tweaks to improve the web experience for their customers.

According to Shopify, average ecommerce conversion rates are around 2.5% to 3% for industry leaders. The average Shopify store has a conversion rate of 1.4%. This means you now have a benchmark for good and great! Where do you fall?

Another helpful tidbit: Last year, Semrush noted there was 313% more website visits on mobile compared to desktop. Customers still view more pages and spend more time while using desktop browsers. But, the trend is shifting and mobile is often the place for first impressions.

Let's run an experiment together. We can focus on what's in our control. Below is a freebie of my initial comments I'd take to Sey's marketing team. Low hanging fruit! Pun intended.

I'd like to offer you a free website audit. Together, we'll take a look at 3 important factors in your customer's experience:

  1. Load Times
  2. Design
  3. Mobile Experience

The goal is for you to leave with some sparks of creativity and actionable steps. You'll be surprised how small changes can make big impacts. Don't miss your free chance to learn and grow!


If you want to save time:

Try MagicBrief: I haven't tried this platform but it was shared in a founder Slack recently. If you are running ads, it seems powerful. You can build swipe, see analytics, and dive into a gigantic ad library for inspiration and comps. If I were running ads, this would be one of the first tools I'd demo. It isn't free, but the value seems competitive. You'll definitely save time searching one spot instead of each social platform's ad library one at a time.

If you want to save money:

Bookmark This isn't an app. It's a marketing and psychology website. You could read a bunch of books or you flip their free guides. I've linked to one called The Psychology of Pricing. I love the quick fire tactics. Unlike many blogs, they've added academic references in the footnote of each tactic. In other words, this isn't hack, pseudoscience garbage. And, you can get lots of value without spending a dime.



I'll see you next week!

All my best,

Justin Bridges

2x Founder, Startup Marketer, Plant Dad🌱

P.S. Do you know one of the key ingredients to growing a successful business? Sharing. Forward this email to a fellow founder, small business owner, or marketer that could use some support. Pay it forward.

Marketing, startups and hot takes.

Trying to grow a small business? Looking to scale a startup? Subscribe for access to weekly newsletters with tips and tricks for growing your business. Real talk. Successes and failures. No marketing hacks. No magic bullets. No cap. 🚀 I help businesses grow. 🚀 Join a community of founders, entrepreneurs, and marketers.

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