We all want to stand out. The HOW is easier than you think 🤯

Hi Reader,

Over lunch, I asked a new friend about his approach to his branding agency. Their website is ideal; I'm jealous. With an agency named Off-Menu, the goal is to cook up relatable but different. Relatability is slept on even though it's a key ingredient to brand success. Relatability is engagement.

If you're going to read anything this week:

What does it mean to be relatable? It's the art of connecting with others on a personal level. Our brands are capable of making these connections.

No, it doesn't matter if our brand makes complex software products, boring household staples, or provides a service nobody has ever heard of. We all have the power to relate.

By now, most of us know the popular mediums where we share our messages. We have websites, social media, and ads. Those of us with physical locations, can spread our gospel in our retail locations too. All we need now are tactics.

These methods should sound familiar: listening, storytelling, problem solving, sharing expertise (education), and being thankful. They are eerily similar to how we connect with folks offline, like friends and colleagues.

We all know Trader Joe's right? Yes, the prices are great. Suck it Whole Foods and Erewhon! The biggest difference is their in-store experience. When's the last time you felt welcome in a grocery store? My local store was mobbed on opening weekend. But, the lines move fast and the staff is friendly and helpful. I've heard their training encourages staff to "flirt" with their customers, striking up conversation that lightens the mood and brightens the day. Wanting to feel good while spending money is relatable.

Peloton didn't win just because of the pandemic. Similar to Soul Cycle, they foster community. But, they also sell happiness. They make wellness fun. Lil' Jon leading a meditation is ironic and goofy. On top of the entertainment value, they hit you with know-how from experts. Treating their brand and content like HBO for exercise and health is the most relatable unlock to their success.

Let's insert a curveball. I said that it doesn't matter if you're a sleepy or complex brand. I'm going to prove it.

Enter TSA. A brand that is almost always talked about in a negative light. Did you know they had social media? 1.4M people follow this government account on Instagram. Most people can't even agree that the TSA is good at security. For casual travelers, it's the reason they don't make their flight when they show up late to the airport. Yet, they've managed to turn the mundane into relatable and engaging content.

I love seeing the random, hilarious, and sometimes scary items they confiscate from travelers. "Passion for Prohibited Items." We all have curiosity and enough nosiness to want to see the stupid sh*t our fellow Americans are doing wrong when passing through the security line. Relatable AF!

Our work is to figure out how we can make what we do relatable to other warm-blooded human beings. If we can identify that thread, then we can spice it up and put our own spin on it. Let me make it crystal clear:

  1. Millions of people pass through airports daily. All of them have to interact with the TSA.
  2. The TSA confiscates thousands of items from these same people.
  3. Relatable: We have all had things taken from us by airport security.
  4. TSA's spin: Don't bore us with rules about liquids. Instead, meme-ify the content by putting crime drama soundtracks over carousels of the most unique confiscated traveler items.

No need to reinvent the wheel. Find something relatable, then add a dash a creativity. Rinse and repeat with the stuff that works.

If you're spinning your wheels, let me help. Sign up for a free intro call. Find out if I can help.

If you want to save time:

Buy Pip Decks: We all have weak spots. There are many ways to learn and improve. Pip Decks has been on my wish list even though I still haven't pulled the trigger. I like free video content and AI, but all these different avenues seem to be missing something—practicality. Pip Decks are unique, confidence-boosting business toolkits: practical step-by-step recipes, coaching videos and templates that instantly upskill you and your team. I've been eyeing Brand Tactics and Storyteller Tactics.

If you want to save money:

Try Hubspot's Persona Tool: A buyer persona is a helpful tool used understand your customer better based on market research and real data on existing customers. Not everyone uses them but if you're new to marketing, you should absolutely get familiar. Hubspot offers a free tool to build one. And, if you're a rookie there are materials and resources to learn more about them.


I'll see you next week!

All my best,

Justin Bridges

2x Founder, Startup Marketer, Plant Dad🌱

P.S. Don't hoard all the goodies. Pass this along to someone struggling to get their brand the attention it deserves. Pay it forward!

Marketing, startups and hot takes.

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