Is Your Website Making These Common Mistakes? đźš©

Hi Reader,

You ever notice how some websites just work? It’s like they know exactly what you want, and you’re hooked from the first click. The thing is, it’s usually not because they’ve done something huge or flashy—it’s the little things most people overlook.
And here’s the secret: those small tweaks? You can knock most of them out before your morning coffee kicks in. Get them right, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly visitors start sticking around. Let’s talk about the five most common problems I see—and how you can fix them fast.

If you're going to read anything this week:

Slow Loading Time ​
​Why it matters: If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, you’re losing visitors—and fast. People expect things to be instant, and if they have to wait, they’re out. It’s not just about user experience; Google ranks slower sites lower in search results, too.
Quick fix:
Compress your images, remove unnecessary plugins, and use a reliable hosting provider. A faster site = happier visitors (and Google).


  • ​Google PageSpeed Insights – Analyze website speed and get improvement suggestions. (Free)
  • ​Pingdom Tools – Offers a free speed test for website performance and load times. (Free)


Weak Calls to Action (CTA)​
​Why it matters: People shouldn’t have to guess what you want them to do next. Whether it’s buying a product, signing up for your newsletter, or booking a call, your CTA needs to be clear, direct, and easy to find. If visitors are wandering around your site unsure of the next step, you’re losing conversions.
Quick fix:
Make your CTA buttons bold, use action-driven language, and place them where it’s impossible to miss.


  • ​Unbounce – A landing page builder with advanced CTA testing and optimization. (Paid)
  • ChatGPT or Claude – Train a custom GPT with your brand guidelines, tone and voice. Have it generate CTAs to test. (Free + Paid)


Too Much Jargon​
​Why it matters: Sometimes founders get too deep into their own world, and their website becomes a wall of technical jargon. If your visitors need a dictionary to understand what you do, they’re probably going to leave.
Quick fix:
Write like you’re talking to someone who doesn’t know your industry. Simplify your language. Clear, relatable copy beats complicated buzzwords every time.


  • ​Hemingway Editor – Simplifies your text and makes it more readable. (Free + Paid)
  • ​Readable – Free tool to check the readability of your content. (Paid)
  • ​ProWritingAid – Grammar and readability improvements for clearer copy. (Free + Paid)


Missing Social Proof​
​Why it matters: If you’re not showcasing customer testimonials, reviews, or case studies, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful ways to build trust. People want to know they’re not the first to try your product—they want to see that it’s worked for others.
Quick fix:
Add real testimonials, logos of clients you’ve worked with, or even product reviews directly on your homepage. Make it clear that others trust your brand.


  • Google Reviews – Free tool to collect and showcase customer reviews. (Free)
  • ​Trustpilot – Collect customer reviews and display them on your site. (Paid)
  • ​Birdeye – Comprehensive reputation management and social media tools. (Paid)


Not Mobile-Friendly​
​Why it matters: More than half of web traffic comes from mobile devices, so if your site isn’t mobile-optimized, you’re probably turning away visitors without even realizing it. A clunky mobile experience makes people bounce.
Quick fix:
Make sure your website is responsive and looks good on all screen sizes. Test it on your phone and tablet to catch any awkward formatting.


  • ​Responsively – Instantly see how your website looks on different screen sizes. (Free)


These mistakes might seem small, but they can make a big difference in how people interact with your website—and ultimately, how many of them convert into customers.

If any of these sound familiar, don’t sweat it—every business has its quirks. The key is to keep tweaking, testing, and improving. I’ll be back next week with more ideas to keep things moving. Until next week, it’s all part of the process—perfection is overrated anyway.

Catch you soon,


P.S. Feeling stuck or need a second set of eyes on your business? I’m opening up a few free strategy sessions this week—no fluff, just straightforward advice to help you tackle your biggest roadblocks. Whether it’s refining your messaging or unlocking a new marketing angle, let’s talk it through and get you moving forward. If you're ready, grab a spot, and let's sort it out.

Instant Upgrades:

Links to dope sh*t from around the Internet.

  • ​The Toolbox: Database with creative tools and resources by Jason Murray.
  • ​Wavebox: All-in-one desktop browser that helps you stay productive and organized.
  • ​Right Message: Helps with personalizing the experience someone has on your website.
  • ​Looka: AI-powered platform to design a logo and brand. For now, I only recommend branding tools for early bootstrapping.
  • ​Canny: Centralize product feedback to gain insights and make informed product decisions.

I'll see you next week!

All my best,

Justin Bridges

2x Founder, Startup Marketer, Plant Dad🌱

Marketing, startups and hot takes.

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